Importance Of Nutrition And The Role It Plays On Your Life

Many people, no matter what their age or where they have come from, are interested in nutrition. So much is still unknown about the science of nutrition. Researches continue to perform studies that teach them more about how nutrition works. The results are amazing.

Salad dressing is what really can make a salad unhealthy for you. Thick, creamy dressings in particular add a lot of nutritional drawbacks like fat and contribute nothing positive. Choose, instead, a vinaigrette or a home-made version with vinegar and some olive oil. Simply adding a few cranberries and walnuts to your salad is also an excellent idea.

Eat 600-900 mg worth of garlic a day for maximum health benefits. Garlic can help your immunity and keep you healthy. Garlic has a anti bacterial and anti-fungal agent that will keep you in shape. Clove and garlic extracts are good to use in recipes every day.

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