It is your vision that makes sure you see the obstacles in life and also allow you to see the beauty of the world around you. Reading, appreciating art, even something as simple as watching a movie, are all cornerstones of our everyday experience. Few things in life are more important than proper eye care, so make sure you read the whole article to get all the knowledge you can.
Knowing your family’s history concerning any eye diseases can help you immensely. If there is a hereditary eye condition in your family, you can anticipate it before it strikes and obtain regular testing. Knowing about an illness in the early stages is always a benefit.
Surprisingly enough, the foods you eat can impact your eye health. Studies show that eating foods with Vitamins E and C, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids help prevent cataracts and other eye issues. Eat at least one serving a day from choices among dark, leafy veggies, oranges, nuts, beans, and seafood like tuna or salmon.
If you are a smoker, you need to stop smoking immediately. Though most people know about the potential lung damage from smoking, many miss that their eyes suffer as well. Those who smoke for a long time are much more likely to develop eye disease. If you quit now, you cut down your risk of getting nerve damage or cataracts.
You should be aware of any family history of eye problems. The conditions are often hereditary, and knowing about this can help you reduce risk of these diseases. Talk with the older members of your family to get a good picture.
Omega-3 fatty acids offer great nutrients for your eyes. Make sure your diet has the right nutrients in it. Halibut, green, leafy vegetables, and salmon are all good choices. You want to have at minimum a serving of one of these foods each day.
Have regular eye exams. You should always get an immediate check up if you have sight problems, but do know that not all problems indicate symptoms early. That’s where regular checkups are beneficial. Many eye conditions and issued can be treated if caught early.
Choose Sunglasses
Sunglasses are important! When wear the right sunglasses, your eyes will get protection from damaging UV rays. Too much exposure to UV can cause cataracts or macular degeneration. Choose sunglasses that fully block UVA and UVB rays for the most protection. If you are really concerned, choose sunglasses that wraparound on the sides for ultimate coverage.
If you blink a lot, your eyes may have an issue. If dry eyes are not your problem, then it might be a nervous tic caused by stress. If this happens, relax. If a tic can be ruled out, talk to an ophthalmologist.
Assist your eyes through the use of good sunglasses. They can help you avoid harmful UV rays, for example. Pick up a pair of sunglasses that offer at least 99 percent protection from UVA and UVB rays. If you drive a lot, consider polarized lenses. They can reduce glare. Sunglasses are always needed even if you have contacts.
Replace the makeup you use every couple of months. These can accumulate bacteria, just like your contact lenses can, and that’s why you replace them every several months. Old makeup and applicators can spread bacteria. This can irritate and damage your eyes and skin.
Sunglasses are good looking and beneficial to your eye health. Sunglasses block the rays of the sun, which means less eye damage and no need to squint. Prescriptions may also be useful for you.
Cucumber slices are a good remedy to place on top of puffy swollen eyes to prevent water retention. The cucumbers should be cut into quarter slices so you can put them onto the eyelids while you close your eyes for a while. Green tea bags soaked in clod water can reduce eye inflammation and puffiness.
Use eye ointment to prevent irritated or dry eyes. An ointment is a good lubrication, but lasts longer since it is not water-based. It does cause immediate blurriness, and that is why it is best to use before you sleep.
Contact Lenses
You must take proper care of your contact lenses. Many people don’t properly care for their contacts. This negligent care can lead to eye irritations, serious infections and even blindness. Always wet your contact lenses with saline and not with your saliva. Your mouth contains bacteria that can result in infections. Wear your glasses from time to time to help rest your eyes.
Irritated eyes can be difficult to handle. Refreshing them and the surrounding areas with water that is cool will alleviate any discomfort you may have. Applying dampened, cool compresses can reduce irritation, redness and swelling. It will also help wake you up.
You should stop smoking. Most people are now aware of the many dangers smoking poses to the lungs. It can also harm your vision. There is a link between cigarette smoke and certain eye issues, like optic nerve damage, cataracts and macular degeneration. Eventually these problems can result in a person losing their vision.
Consider a hat for eye protection when outside. Sunglasses are a important too, but a hat can offer total sun protection. Look for a hat with a wide brim. Your eyelids are susceptible to melanoma due to their sensitivity. Keep your eyelids covered by wearing sunglasses and a wide hat.
Talk to your family to see if there’s a history of eye conditions. This can give your eye doctor answers. This leads to better care and the right course of treatment and medications.
The right nutrients are important for good eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, lutein and vitamans E and C are all valuable when it comes to healthy eyesight. These help to prevent the formation of cataracts, as well as the potential to stave off macular degeneration, a disease that irreversible.
Losing your vision can be devastating. To ensure your vision doesn’t leave you, take care of your eyes. These tips can help you do this, so make sure to use them.